Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bio Poem

This is my bio poem. I chose to write about it because I enjoyed writing about me and who I am.
Funny, kind, caring
Sister of Jacob, Mason
Daughter of Emily, Carl, Jared, Ilana
Lover of Books, Family, Movies
Who fears Zombies.
Who needs Nemo, Books, Family
Who wishes for all the books in the world, my own room
Who would like to see Lana
Who gives gifts, help, love
Citizen of Hastings, New Zealand


My Happy Poem

This is my happy poem. I chose to write about it because it's a poem about what makes ME happy.
My Happy poem.
It’s better than Fruit Loops,
Better than being curled up in a blanket watching TV,
Watching movies, going to the movies.

It’s better than looking at the stars on my roof in bed,
watching The Simpsons,
playing with my Farm Animals.

It's better than hot chocolate,
and playing with Mason.
It’s better than playing on the trampoline,
better than dogs, swimming,
staying at Nan’s.


Friday, May 6, 2016

Passion Project Plan

This is my passion project plan. I chose to write about because I enjoy writing about things that like and this is my passion project and my passion is cats because I have a baby/cat at home and when I went to Sydney, I bought him a bed he has started sleeping in it so I've gotten to spend more time with a cat and under stand them better.

For your passion project, you are allowed to learn and share your learning about any topic you like.

What do you want to do? Be as specific as you can.
I want to learn about cats and help people with cat problems like Jackson Galaxy.

Why is this a good topic for me?
Because I have a cat at home and he is my baby and I want to understand him more.

What will it look like when it is finished/how will it be presented?
It will be a slideshow to show lots of new information that I have learnt about cats in the next 5 weeks.

                                                          Jackson Galaxy                               Jackson Galaxy is a musician by night, cat  behaviorist by day.
  If you'r wondering what a cat behaviorist is, it is a person that goes to people's houses with bad cats and retrains them. Sometimes he even saves relationships.