Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Butterfly Scene

Scene Description Nixie

Success Criteria
  • Has strong adjectives
  • Different sentence beginnings
  • Different sentence lengths
  • A simile and/or alliteration
  • Has an introduction, body and conclusion
  • Thoughtful word choices
  • Show examples of single, compound and complex sentences.

As I turn around I see the most amazing thing.It’s so magical.So colorful - it looks like a rainbow.It’s outstanding. I've never seen anything like it .I’ve only seen monarch butterflies before. So delicate. It could almost blend in with the flower it’s on. It’s like being on a colorful island. It’s the most amazing scene.The  rainbow butterfly clutching onto the flower is such a beautiful sight.It has the most magnificent colors. In the back of the scene there is green grass in a blurry distance. A sunny, peaceful, relaxing space. Could this get more colorful? It looks like a rainbow. Well blended. Red,orange,yellow,green,light blue,dark blue,purple,pink,fuchsia,
lavender. It's so precious.

In my learning,we have been doing scene description.We got to pick any image within reason.I chose a butterfly.Next we had to describe the image to the reader.


  1. awesome photo and description.

  2. lovely photo of the butterfly

  3. lovely photo of the butterfly

  4. well done!!
    Cool pick.

  5. What a lovely butterfly
    Well done nixie
