Monday, February 29, 2016

Week 4:My new pet

My New Pet

 My new pet is a praying mantis and his name is Manti. I was watching a movie on my computer when my mum called me from out the front when she was gardening. She said that she was cutting down thorns and she found a bug and she didn't want to cut it down. Mum knows that I like bugs and she didn't want to touch it. She asked what it was and I told her it was a praying mantis. Then I picked it up and ran inside, got a special shoe box and put manti in it. Then I went of my movie and did lots of research on how to look after praying mantis's. To make a long story short, I looked up how to make a home, how to look after a praying mantis, and how to tell it's gender. I needed to tell Manti's gender because I wanted to to call Manti he or her and I also wanted to know if I could let Manti have baby's. I needed to know if Manti could have baby's because when praying mantis's mate, the female praying mantis bites of the male mantis' head half way through mating and then when they are finished the male mantis dies.Manti is a male and if I let Manti mate, he will die.
I have had Manti for longer than two weeks now and he has learnt to listen to me. I trust him.
Manti is safe in his box and he can't get out.
We have a great relationship.


  1. WOW puting a grass hoper on your lip

  2. Cool Nixie Now you have two awesome pets

  3. OMG manti looks awesome and so do you

  4. you must be having so much fun with your new pet

  5. That looks like a great pet Nixie what glender is it

  6. Lots of great facts of the Pray mantis! I love mantis's to, but if their really huge I get a little fright.
    I have never seen a brown pray mantis, I have only seen green ones.

    Question: Will you let Manti mate and die or will you not let him mate and keep him safe with you?
    Great job Nixie!

    1. I won't let him mate because I want him to stay alive.

  7. thats so so so cool Nixie

  8. wow you are so brave to put manti on your lip and I beet he loves his new home Nixie

  9. Lots of great facts of the Pray mantis! I love mantis's to, but if their really huge I get a little fright.
    I have never seen a brown pray mantis, I have only seen green ones.

    Question: Do you know if Manti is old or young? If you know please tell me bye replying to this comment.
    Great job Nixie!

  10. Well done Nixie That looks very cool

  11. WOW NIXIE!! You are so BRAVE to put Manti on your lip!
    I can't even hold a pray mantis.
    You are so brave. Well I know you love bugs but still!
    How are you going to feed him?
    Are you going to be putting some leaves and some dirt in the shoe box??
    Or maybe even some flowers and sticks! Any way, AWESOME blog post Nixe.
    I love it! In the fourth picture it looks like he's smiling! LOL!

  12. Good work Nixie. That is a cute pet.

  13. WOW that is cool you have an awesome pet :)

  14. i like Manti he looks really cute. :}

  15. i love you pet nixie what does you mum say about him its very cute i wish i had one what do you feed it
    worms i hope you have a good time with manti. Nikita

  16. Wow Nixie,
    what awesome post you sure have put a lot of effort into this post and I love all the photos. Nice work Nixie.
    you are actually really brave because bugs freak me out .
    I love the post.
    Kai pai

  17. Manti is pretty cute when I was seven I had a pray mantis for a week. I really connected to your writing AWESOME! Nixie

    1. He has been alive for a month.

  18. nice pics nixie

  19. Awesome selfies love the pet

    1. Thanks. Manti loves me too!

  20. I can tell you love pets Nixie.

  21. I like that comfdints in the salfies. from Holly:].

    1. Thanks.Did you know that when your the person with the praying mantis on your lip it is not that scary.(It only tickles!)

  22. Well done Nixe that is an amazing post.
    I remember on the way to camp you told me that. Any way how do you tell what gender it is.

    1. I could see on his back that he had 5 lines

  23. Wow Wow Wow Wow nixe your pet is cut I hope it stays with you or you can let it go.

    1. I will keep Manti. Just wait till my next blog!

  24. you must behaving so much fun

  25. Amazing pet hope his beaver is good wow

  26. wow you must be liking your new pet that is a very interesting pet

  27. To anybody that has read this blog or who is reading it right now, Manti is dead:(

  28. your pet is so cute !!!

  29. how did Manti die
    i fell so sorry for you

  30. Wow nixie you are so so brave.That pet is so so so so so so cute
